The strength of Cantieri Generali S.p.A has always been its ability to innovate. Continuous research into new materials, new construction techniques, new technologies and new business opportunities enable sustainable corporate development and increasingly greater specialisation in construction and alternative energy. Today, Cantieri Generali is experiencing a new phase of significant expansion and diversification, operating with great success across the entire nation – at both a private and a public level – to build schools, hospitals, health centres, stadia and sports facilities in general. Over the years, Cantieri Generali has been able to rediscover ancient construction methods and, armed with this knowledge, offers its services and expertise to restore and renovate important historical buildings.


Cantieri Generali S.p.A. will oversee the Industrialised Building market, under the 4.0 perspective, being able to exploit the skills and the impressive set of technologies – both hardware and software – that have been developed, engineered and produced.
From BIM design to cognitive construction sites that can track, in real time, materials, vehicles and people, up to solutions aimed at making the buildings in which we live and work more sustainable, safer and more comfortable.



To further safeguard its clients, Cantieri Generali S.p.A believes it is essential to attain certifications that attest to the company’s skills and professionalism and which allow a company to be able to participate in public – as well as private – calls for tender across the whole country.
Certifications, participations, and qualifications/registrations:

  • SOA certification n.100002/7/00 and the following qualification categories and ranking:
    • cat. OG 1 - class VII
    • cat. OG 3 - class II
    • cat. OG 11 - class IV
  • Qualification for design and construction performance up to the lii-BIS classification.
    Quality/enviroment/safety management system
  • UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 certification No. Q/00394/11
  • UNI EN ISO 14001:2015 certification No. SA/ 00136/22
  • UNI ISO 45001:2018 certification No. SS/ 00137/22
  • UNI PdR 125:2022
  • Partecipation in the Consorzio Stabile CONPAT S.C.A.R.L. with headquarters in Rome - Viale Giulio Cesare, 71 - Fiscal code 06044391214
  • ENEL qualification for product groups LCCC12 and LCRI01
  • ENEL X qualification
  • Attribution of legality rating of the Regulation adopted by the Competition and Market Autority
  • Registration in the "White List" of the Prefecture of Lecce


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